
Monday, July 25, 2011

Oh baby, I'm back!

Yesterday, i cooked something for my husband after more than 5 and a half months! You see, it's not easy being pregnant. I had the worst bouts of morning sickness and food aversion.

There was a time when I threw up just by merely seeing photos of food in magazines. I was never warned about that part of the pregnancy... I was stuck romancing how awesome it would physically feel to have someone growing inside of me, totally dependent on me for everything. No one told me awful stories of their pregnancies until I was there, part of their club.

So yesterday marked the last day of my 25th week. The bun in my oven is half baked. After 20 something weeks of throwing up endlessly, day in and out, I made it through. I gathered the courage to give my husband the wife he used to have. The one that cooked breakfast and supper everyday. The one he only had the joy of experiencing for two months before I hung my apron due to food aversion.

So dear husband, this is for you. I'm back... Until the next baby starts to bake. I love you.

Ps. I just loooove these aprons from Anthropologie. Too bad I won't fit in them... Well, not for a long time.

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