
Sunday, August 1, 2010

Chapter 30 of my life...

Photo from here

Today, I turned 30! I'm very old for others, but yet still young for some. AGE is just a number! It's ok to be 30 and still look not a day over 20 right! :)

Besides, my claim is... I'm young at heart. And so are all the gorgeous women out there who feel in between young and old.

I'm happy to be turning to Chapter 30 of my life. Chapters 20 through 29 were fun-filled.

I fell in love, lost a love, fell in love all over again.
Graduated from University.
Worked hard and long.
Played hard even more.
Lost loved ones to cancer.
Lost loved ones to car crashes.
Got 2 partial Masectomies. Luckily, benign.
Lived, Laughed, Loved so much... not in particular order.
Travelled to EUROPE!
Travelled in ASIA!
... and much much more!

What will probably shape me are the values and virtues I've acquired when I was stuck in those dramatic years. Looking back, 10 years went by really fast.

It's time to move to the more serious part of the story.


  1. Happy Birthday form one Leo to another!!! :-)

  2. Happy birthday to you! :)

    Gosh, you're not old... you're a baby compared to me. I'll be 39 in 12 days' time! Oh dear me! LOL! Have a great birthday!

  3. Sorry to send these birthday wishes so late but I hope you had a wonderful time.

  4. My Goodness! So much happened to you in your 20's! I had some crazy 20's too, and was very happy when I turned 30. :)

    I mentioned you on my blog today. About a month ago you gave me a very sweet award, and I have been very slow in responding. I am so sorry...But, I did pass it on today.

    Happy Birthday! Thanks so much for the award!!!
    Have a great Monday,


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