
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I want to have my cake

Yes, another wedding post. Just as I told myself no more wedding stuff for the day (it stresses me out a little bit), Mr. G and I talk about cakes. How tall it would be (just 2 layers fully edible and yummy!), what kind it would be (a high note of vanilla!), and what kind of design we're looking to have (very simple, yet still artsy!). All these got me excited on how it would look like... after all, I'm really an expert on this. I looooove a good cake. I like it with mocha or light hazelnut buttercream icing and french vanilla filling. Ahh, I can already taste it.

Check out these gorgeous cakes I saw...


1,2,3 are from
4,5,6,7 are from

1 comment:

  1. Wow. That top picture takes the cake (hehehhee) ... it really IS beautiful!

    PS - a blog award for you going up on my site even as we speak :)


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